Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Shark News - January 19, 2016

Let a great white shark look you in the eye (video)
From electro-sensory pores to top-notch noses, we hear a lot about sharks' finely tuned, prey-tracking arsenal. But one tool that's often downplayed is ...

Say no to shark fin soup, at least one million urged
GEORGE TOWN: WWF-Malaysia is targeting the support from at least one million Malaysians to back its call for “no shark fin soup” through its My Fin ...
WATCH: Fisherman Hooks Great White Shark on San Clemente Pier
This video, courtesy of Kate Novak, shows a great white shark on a fisherman's hook off the San Clemente Pier on Jan. 18, 2016. (Published 3 hours ...

Tourism with bite: swimming with the great white shark
Diving off Guadalupe Island was a biologist's paradise for shark specialist Lauren Smith. The best bit? Seeing the drama of a great white shark ...
Shark fear grips Adelaide after "Jaws" sighting
The pair of bronze whalers is the latest in a string of sightings off the coast of Adelaide, with at least 12 sharks spotted in the past three days alone.
Meet the first baby great white shark tagged in the Atlantic (VIDEO)
Great white sharks: they're big, they're strong ... and they have really cute babies. A team of researchers from the Long Island Shark Collaboration ...
Lemon shark on titanium coin from Pobjoy Mint | Coin World
First named and described in 1868, lemon sharks are not thought to be a large threat to humans despite their often fierce look. The shark's yellow ...
Sharks in Australia
I talked about how worldwide you are more likely to be killed by a falling coconut than a shark, 100 times more likely by a bolt of lightning, and at more ...
New look ocean display to house special shark pups
A new look ocean tank at Scarborough Sea Life Centre will be unveiled next month including two very special captive-bred sharks. They are male and ...
Penang wants Chinese to drop shark fins
"The State Government pledged not to serve any shark fin soup at all state official functions since June 2015 and some hotel chains have already ...
South Australian Coasts Flooded With Sharks
The number of sharks that have been spotted off the coasts of South Australia, including the 7 meters long great white sighted at Marino Rocks on ...
Mako Shark spotted off coast of Herzliya, then washes up dead
Fishermen found a shark wounded by a hook in its mouth on Friday and set it free in deeper water, but the animal did not survive • Israel Nature and ...
Tiger Shark Sighting in Wailea: Witnesses Describe Aggressive Behavior
Witnesses to yesterday's shark sighting incident in Wailea described the shark's behavior as “aggressive,” saying a large tiger shark pursued ocean ...
Adopt a Whale Shark
Get a whale shark plush when you donate to help WWF protect animals and places around the world.

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